Ganoderma / Reishi / Lingzhi is a Mushroom:

Monday 21 July 2008

Intro to this blog

This blog is my kind of personal window shop - where, I've gone through loads of offers, prize sites and other light hearted fun stuff, but it doesn't quite fit into my other blogs, but it's worth knowing about - like genuine survey companies and market research people that are paying for people to take surveys / looking for panelists / giving away free stuff for promotions etc. - like sweets, vouchers and money off coupons etc.

I might include stuff for personal use or small business use - like free business cards, personalized items - cafepress t-shirt & mug type stuff and gifts like posters & easy to order / deliver items.

So yes this is my "bubblegum" blog - might add some free flash games too!

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NOTE: This blog contains posts, products and services, some of which Affiliates can potentially earn a commission on, some are just of personal interest and opinion.