Ganoderma / Reishi / Lingzhi is a Mushroom:

Monday 18 August 2008

What Do The Color Of Your Shoes Says About You ?

Girl trying on high heeld shoes

What The Color Of Your Shoes Says About You

Color is present in everything and color therapy suggests that color has more of an impact in our lives than we may realize. It is said that colors can influence our moods and well being.

That being the case, it follows that the colors that we ourselves wear influence our own moods as well as the well being of the people we communicate with. It would then be practical to plan our outfits accordingly so that we can positively influence the events of our lives.

For instance, we should know what color should we wear for a job interview, for a date, for a presentation, etc. Of course we will need the right colored shoes to match our outfits for a powerhouse of color power to help us out. Below are some suggestions to get us started on empowerment through the color of our shoes.

Red Shoes

Red is a strong color that signifies strength, passion and sensuality. Wear your red shoes on a first date and get a boost of confidence and fervor you can easily communicate to your partner.

Pink or Peach Shoes

Shades of peach and pink are the opposites of red. Peach and pink signify calm and cool. Pink or peach shoes can be worn for first dates too if that is the impression you want to project. Otherwise, shoes of these colors can be worn for occasions like weddings and such.

Black Shoes

Black shoes should be a staple in your collection because it goes with anything. More than that though, black signifies elegant power and a versatile grace so it if you don't want to go wrong, black shoes are a safe bet.

Brown Shoes

Brown signifies solidity and reliability probably because the color reminds us of the earth. Wear brown shoes to convey that you are reliable and trustworthy.

White Shoes

White of course signifies purity and simplicity. The right styles and designs of white shoes would be perfect for outdoor events especially during summer and warmer seasons. White shoes convey a wholesome image of innocence.

Gray Shoes

Don't underestimate the power of the color gray to convey balance. If not black, you might want to consider wearing gray shoes for a job interview. It is said that gray communicates braininess and being grounded. These may make a good impression on others enough to hire you or get you a raise.


About Ian del Carmen:

Ian del Carmen is the president and CEO of Fireball Planet Corporation.

Check out his blog at Or visit Fireball Planet at

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