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Wednesday 24 September 2008

Write the Best Maid of Honor Speech Ever!

Bride and bridesmaid

Write the Best Maid of Honor Speech Ever!
By Andrew Davidson

If you are trying to write a maid of honor speech then these tips can save you a lot of worry, time and effort. I'm going to look at how to start writing, give you a simple formula for the speech, exactly what to write down and how to be confident that it will be a success. By reading this article you will be able to sit down and, in a few minutes, have a complete draft of your speech.

So how do you start writing? By starting to jot down your rough notes without any thought as to quality. This is just a draft and it's not the speech you are going to deliver so just jot down your initial thoughts without editing them. If you have some main points in your head get them down on paper in any order and in any way. Keep reminding yourself that this is not meant to be perfect - it's your working draft. If you can't work out what to write it helps to have a formula.

Although you can put your ideas into any order I have developed a simple formula that will allow you to get the key points down on paper. The formula is:

1) Thank the best man (whose speech you usually follow)
2) Talk about the bride
3) Talk about the groom
4) Thank the bride for asking you to be the maid of honor
5) Toast the happy couple

Just think through what you want to say about each of these elements and write it down.

Once you have developed your ideas and are happy with them you might be wondering how you should write them down. The best way is to write them down as key points. Even if you have written the speech out in full it helps to boil it down to a few key points. If you are going to read from a poem or from a quotation I suggest you write it down in full so that you won't struggle to read it in full.

And then the final step, which is entirely optional, is to show it to someone you trust to get their views. Choose someone who can be honest with you and who will give you constructive feedback.

Now that you know the secrets of writing a good maid of honor speech you can get to work on writing down your first thoughts, following the formula for a good speech, writing out the key points and getting a second opinion on what you have written. So now get to it and have a great day!

Andrew coaches people to give their the speeches of their lives!

If you want to write the best speech you can go to now!

Article Source:!&id=1499125

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